Enabling Inclusivity: Wheelchair-based Dolly For Videography

Aspiring videographers with mobility issues experience challenges when operating large and heavy camera equipment and face difficulties with camera angles, movement, and framing to achieve the shots that they need to tell their stories.  

The project team designed a miniaturized wheelchair-based dolly equipped with mecanuum wheels that can help achieve camera movements, similar to what a full featured camera dolly can achieve. The team aims to enhance the prototype for the creation of a full-size wheelchair-based dolly. 


Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering/Electrical Technology (Power & Control)/Electrical Technology (Lighting & Sound)/Mechanical Engineering; Nitec in Mechanical Technology


ITE College East


Hafiz Sallim & Koh Hui Min


Nur,Aqilah Binte Azman; Lau,Yun Heng; Jaaziel,Chia Xuan; Nadhrah,Syairah Binte Muhamad Redzwan; Muhammad,Jazaly Bin Rajuna; Nur,Hidayat Bin Mohammad Irwan; Teo,Hung Kai; Ow,Zhi Ning Carine; Shannon Lee Yu En; Annur Adly Bin Annur Haizat; Tan Guang Chen; Dekyi Alessandrine Tong Jia Wei; Fakhira Dini Binte Mohamad Hambali; Chuan Teck Yi ; Adib Zulhusni Bin Mohamad Fauzy; Harith Iskandar Bin Mus Iskandar; Yusnisa Nurmarsya Binte Mohamed Yusoff; Yap He Xin
